Friday, April 03, 2009

{Doctor visit}

Today was Jay's four year, well child pediatrician appointment. Our doctor looked in her records and saw that he hadn't been in since his three year check up. He's had a couple of visits to the after hours clinic this past year, but for the most part he is one healthy boy! He was 37 pounds and 39 inches. He did so good today!

Mommy sure enjoyed some one on one time with her little buddy! He helped with some grocery shopping after his appointment. We had many, many important talks during our afternoon together. :) Good stuff!
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Arlona Mc said...

Cute picture. Glad you got to have one on one time with Jay. Dad told me that you took him somewhere. I was surprised as he usually goes with daddy! He looks very interested in the B/P cuff. Love, Mom

Stacey said...

Good picture. I like the fuzziness for lack of a better word.